Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Functions of the Media
Social Functions of the Media
1. Education of the public: The media educates the public on issues of all aspects of life.
2. Entertainment of the public: The media in Ghana, shows movies, plays music and writes stories to entertain the public.
3. The media also, feeds the public with information from government and other places,that is  of public interest.
Economic Functions of the Media.
1. The media offers employment to people. Some of such employees include news casters, cameramen, news editors, technicians.
2. Also, the media, through tax paying, gives revenue to the government.
Political Functions of the Media
1. The media serves as a watchdog of both government and the governed in the society.


  1. Ok good work. one small problem is the political functions of the media. Why does that category have a single function? Won't the role you mention as 'feeds the public with information from gov't & other places...' a political function? And place where is your picture?
