Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Limitations of the Uses and Gratification Theory

            The uses and gratification is a theory that discusses how the mass audience of the mass media use media contents and what they use them for.It shows that the media does not use its audience, as always perceived.This theory in effect, says that, people have various needs and they decide how to satisfy these needs , using the media.With this theory, the mass audience use the media to define  their personal identity, build relationships and to escape from personal worries. It debunks the fact that the audience are passive participants in the mass communication process.
             On the contrary to using the media to define or affirm their personal identity, the mass audience have other sources like friends, family members, church members, who they more cordially relate to. These people offers the individual a sense of personal identity. Also, our cultural background bestows on us a sense of identity, before we come into contact with the mass media. More realistic, is the fact that, the relationships we form with media icons are only mental relationships. The kind of relationships we have are with the people around us.
             There is also the fact that, the mass audience do not always use the media. Sometimes, the media uses the audience by forcing media content on the m through advertising and they respond to it.

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